Cédric Deillon
Mein Name ist Cédric Deillon und ich bin aufgewachsen in Speicher (AR). Nach meiner obligatorischen Schulzeit in der Primar- und Sekundarschule in Speicher besuchte ich die Fachmittelschule in Trogen und absolvierte dort meine Fachmaturität. Nach einem einjährigen Praktikum bei Update Fitness arbeite ich dort in einem kleinen Pensum als Fitness-Instruktor weiter. Seit 2019 besteht mein Trainingsumfeld aus dem Sportleistungszentrum von Appenzellerlandsport und dem TV Teufen, bei denen ich bis jetzt stetige Fortschritte und eine positive Entwicklung erzielen konnte.

René Wyler, Karl Wyler
TV Teufen
88 kg
Swiss Athletics
189 cm
- 10. Rang an U20 Weltmeisterschaften in Lima im Zehnkampf
- 7450 Punkte
- 3-mal Gold (Hallensiebenkampf, Kugelstossen Indoor und Outdoor)
- Bronze im Diskuswurf an den U20 Schweizermeisterschaften
3-mal Bronze
- im Kugelstossen Indoor und Outdoor
- im Speerwerfen an den U20 Schweizermeisterschaften
- 10. Rang an U18 Europameisterschaften in Jerusalem in Zehnkampf
- 7041 Punkte
- 3-mal Gold (Zehnkampf, Kugelstossen Indoor und Outdoor)
- 3-mal Silber (Weitsprung Indoor und Outdoor, Diskuswerfen)
- Bronze im Speerwurf an den U20 Schweizermeisterschaften
- Bronze im Diskuswerfen an den U20 Schweizermeisterschaften
- Aufnahme ins Förderkader Swiss Starter Future
- 2-Mal Gold (Sechskampf, Kugelstossen)
- Silber im Diskuswurf
- 2-Mal Bronze (Hochsprung, Kugelstossen)
- Mein erster Zehnkampf, 5698
8 UBS Kids Cup Teilnahmen
– 4 Finalteilnahmen
– 2 Medaillen
– Sieg 2019

Persönliche Bestleistungen
Zehnkampf Punkte
Wettkampf Kalender
(für 2025 bereits bekannt)
Mehrkampf SM Halle
8./9. Februar 2025
Magglingen, Schweiz
Mehrkampf SM U23
14./15. Juni 2025
Lausanne, Schweiz
SM U23
13./14. September 2025
Aarau, Schweiz
Hallen SM Aktive
22./23. Februar 2025
St. Gallen, Schweiz
U23 Europameisterschaften
17.-20. Juli 2025
Bergen, Norwegen
24./25. Mai 2025
Landquart, Schweiz
SM Aktive
23./24. August 2025
Frauenfeld, Schweiz
Ein herzliches Dankeschön an meine grossartigen Partner und Sponsoren, welche es mir ermöglichen, meine sportlichen Träume zu verfolgen und mich täglich zu verbessern.

Die Scheidweg Garage bietet alles unter einem Dach. Neben einer grossen Auswahl der Marken Audi, Škoda, VW-NF und VW Jahreswagen gibt es eine Werkstatt, Spenglerei, Malerei sowie eine SOCAR-Tankstelle mit Shop und SB-Waschanlage.
Weitere Partner

Update Fitness ist der führende Fitnessanbieter der Schweiz und ein Förderer des Schweizer Sports. Dort arbeite ich in Teilzeit und nutze auch die infrastrukturellen Möglichkeiten vor Ort.

Appenzellerland Sport als Trägerschaft der Sportschule und des Sportleistungszentrum hat sich seit der Gründung im Jahr 2005 zu einem führenden Kompetenzzentrum für den Leistungssport in der Schweiz entwickelt. Nebst einer umfassenden Betreuung zählt insbesondere auch die gezielte individuelle sportliche und mentale Förderung der Athletinnen und Athleten zu den Kernkompetenzen von Appenzellerland Sport.

Abrogans ist eine Kommunikationsagentur in Basel, die sich durch umfangreiche Erfahrungen und einem breiten Wissen in verschiedenen Kommunikationsbereichen auszeichnet.

Die Scheidweg Garage bietet alles unter einem Dach. Neben einer grossen Auswahl der Marken Audi, Škoda, VW-NF und VW Jahreswagen gibt es eine Werkstatt, Spenglerei, Malerei sowie eine SOCAR-Tankstelle mit Shop und SB-Waschanlage.

Update Fitness ist der führende Fitnessanbieter der Schweiz und ein Förderer des Schweizer Sports. Dort arbeite ich in Teilzeit und nutze auch die infrastrukturellen Möglichkeiten vor Ort.

Abrogans ist eine Kommunikationsagentur in Basel, die sich durch umfangreiche Erfahrungen und einem breiten Wissen in verschiedenen Kommunikationsbereichen auszeichnet.

Appenzellerland Sport als Trägerschaft der Sportschule und des Sportleistungszentrum hat sich seit der Gründung im Jahr 2005 zu einem führenden Kompetenzzentrum für den Leistungssport in der Schweiz entwickelt. Nebst einer umfassenden Betreuung zählt insbesondere auch die gezielte individuelle sportliche und mentale Förderung der Athletinnen und Athleten zu den Kernkompetenzen von Appenzellerland Sport.
Partner werden
Als junger Athlet in einer Einzelsportart ist die Unterstützung durch Dritte von unschätzbarem Wert. Wenn Sie Interesse haben, mich auf meinem Weg zu begleiten, können Sie sich gerne über das Kontaktformular melden. Ausserdem besteht die Möglichkeit, meine Patin oder mein Pate bei der Schweizer Sporthilfe zu werden.
Schreibe mir eine Nachricht über das Kontaktformular und folge mir auf den sozialen Medien.
Schreibe mir eine Nachricht über das Kontaktformular und folge mir auf den sozialen Medien.
36 Beiträge 1.540 Followers
Swiss Decathlete U20🇨🇭
Track and Field
you‘re more powerful, than you think!
Feels smooth, smooth like butter🧈
#trackandfield #athletics #decathlon #discus #trainingcamp #lapalma
Feels smooth, smooth like butter🧈
#trackandfield #athletics #decathlon #discus #trainingcamp #lapalma ...
A good training camp in La Palma🌴 came to an end. With top conditions and a very good facility from @lapalmatrainingcamp , I was able to prepare myself optimally for the indoor season.
Once again a big thank you to @fromm_packaging_switzerland for supporting our training camp.🙌
#trackandfield #athletics #decathlon #heptathlon #trainingcamp #lapalma #indoorseason
A good training camp in La Palma🌴 came to an end. With top conditions and a very good facility from @lapalmatrainingcamp , I was able to prepare myself optimally for the indoor season.
Once again a big thank you to @fromm_packaging_switzerland for supporting our training camp.🙌
#trackandfield #athletics #decathlon #heptathlon #trainingcamp #lapalma #indoorseason ...
10th place at the u20 world championships in Lima🔟🇵🇪
Very happy with my performance and my placing. 7437 points, only 13 points below my personal best. With a few exceptions, they were all very solid performances, which in the end almost resulted in a new personal Best. However, I know that a lot more would have been possible, as the only personal best was 15.08m in the shot put, but that’s the decathlon, you always find points that could have gone better, so all smiles about that😁very good and solid decathlon that I was able to complete, despite not so easy preperation.
Two and a half days before the decathlon, I was suffering from extreme muscle tension in my lower back and a slight inflammation of the vertebral arch joints. Simple sprinting and even just moving around was extremely painful and almost impossible. With targeted treatment and physio, I was able to finish this decathlon. I would especially like to thank @eynschy and @leo.nie.k for their great support before and during the competition!🙏I am therefore all the happier that I was able to finish this decathlon in tenth place!🔟✅
So the experience I can take away from this decathlon and this competition is enormous! I am very happy to have had the opportunity to complete a decathlon in such a setting and I congratulate all the other decathletes on their great performances! And last but not least, I would like to thank my coach @karlwyler and my parents for their support before and during the competition!
Now, after a short break, it’s on to training again in winter. looking forward to preparing for next year and competing in my first senior decathlon next year!
See you next year!
📸 @athletix_ch
#trackandfeld #decathlon #combinedevents #running #jumpin #throwing #walima24 #appenzellerlandsport #tvteufen
10th place at the u20 world championships in Lima🔟🇵🇪
Very happy with my performance and my placing. 7437 points, only 13 points below my personal best. With a few exceptions, they were all very solid performances, which in the end almost resulted in a new personal Best. However, I know that a lot more would have been possible, as the only personal best was 15.08m in the shot put, but that’s the decathlon, you always find points that could have gone better, so all smiles about that😁very good and solid decathlon that I was able to complete, despite not so easy preperation.
Two and a half days before the decathlon, I was suffering from extreme muscle tension in my lower back and a slight inflammation of the vertebral arch joints. Simple sprinting and even just moving around was extremely painful and almost impossible. With targeted treatment and physio, I was able to finish this decathlon. I would especially like to thank @eynschy and @leo.nie.k for their great support before and during the competition!🙏I am therefore all the happier that I was able to finish this decathlon in tenth place!🔟✅
So the experience I can take away from this decathlon and this competition is enormous! I am very happy to have had the opportunity to complete a decathlon in such a setting and I congratulate all the other decathletes on their great performances! And last but not least, I would like to thank my coach @karlwyler and my parents for their support before and during the competition!
Now, after a short break, it’s on to training again in winter. looking forward to preparing for next year and competing in my first senior decathlon next year!
See you next year!
📸 @athletix_ch
#trackandfeld #decathlon #combinedevents #running #jumpin #throwing #walima24 #appenzellerlandsport #tvteufen ...
swiss championships are done! national champion in shot put🥇and a 3rd place in the discus throw🥉really happy with my progression so far! only three days left and we‘re off to lima! hungry for more and looking forward to the upcoming decathlon in peru🇵🇪
#trackandfield #athletics #shotput #discusthrow #nationalchampion #decathlon #walima24 #lima
swiss championships are done! national champion in shot put🥇and a 3rd place in the discus throw🥉really happy with my progression so far! only three days left and we‘re off to lima! hungry for more and looking forward to the upcoming decathlon in peru🇵🇪
#trackandfield #athletics #shotput #discusthrow #nationalchampion #decathlon #walima24 #lima ...
New personal best in the decathlon with 7450 points in Sarnen!✅
I managed to achieve huge pb‘s in the 100m (11.01s), the 400m (48.91s), the 110m hurdles (14.81s), the discus (43.34m) and the javelin (55.20m). Very happy with my score and now we go back to the preparations for the upcoming competitions!🔥
📸: Hansruedi Lüthi
#trackandfield #decathlon #appenzellerlandsport #tvteufen #swissmultisquad
New personal best in the decathlon with 7450 points in Sarnen!✅
I managed to achieve huge pb‘s in the 100m (11.01s), the 400m (48.91s), the 110m hurdles (14.81s), the discus (43.34m) and the javelin (55.20m). Very happy with my score and now we go back to the preparations for the upcoming competitions!🔥
📸: Hansruedi Lüthi
#trackandfield #decathlon #appenzellerlandsport #tvteufen #swissmultisquad ...
little recap from last weekend🔟 #decathlon #7381 #appenzellerlandsport #tvteufen #walima
little recap from last weekend🔟 #decathlon #7381 #appenzellerlandsport #tvteufen #walima ...
7381 points in Lustenau🤩13th in the🌎really happy with the whole weekend! huge pb in the 400m (49.31s) and some other good pb‘s: 100m (11.19) hurdles (15.03) discus (41.56) pole vault (4.10) javelin (54.13) 1500m (4.23.11) more to come and back to the griiiind😤 @walima_24 #decathlon #7381 #swissmultisquad #tvteufen #appenzellerlandsport
7381 points in Lustenau🤩13th in the🌎really happy with the whole weekend! huge pb in the 400m (49.31s) and some other good pb‘s: 100m (11.19) hurdles (15.03) discus (41.56) pole vault (4.10) javelin (54.13) 1500m (4.23.11) more to come and back to the griiiind😤 @walima_24 #decathlon #7381 #swissmultisquad #tvteufen #appenzellerlandsport ...
First Pentathlon of this season went very well! I managed to achieve personal bests in hurdles and high jump✅ first decathlon in less than two weeks! feeling ready and hungry🤩 📸 @tatjana__m #appenzellerlandsport #tvteufen #decathlon #hurdles #highjump
First Pentathlon of this season went very well! I managed to achieve personal bests in hurdles and high jump✅ first decathlon in less than two weeks! feeling ready and hungry🤩 📸 @tatjana__m #appenzellerlandsport #tvteufen #decathlon #hurdles #highjump ...
👇Subscribe to follow our journey to the olympics!👇
#Decathlon #TrackAndField #AthleteJourney
This is Day 2 of one of the most important competitions of my life. Watch the highs, the challenges, and everything in between as I aim to make history.
📌 What's in this video?
Raw and real highlights from my second day on the track.
Behind-the-scenes insights into the life of a decathlete.
My mindset and strategy for competing at the highest level.
🎯 Why you’ll love it:
Whether you're an athlete, a sports fan, or just curious about the intense world of decathlon, this video brings you into the heart of the action.
💬 Question of the Day:
What motivates YOU to push past your limits? Comment below – I’d love to hear your stories!
🔔 Don’t forget to subscribe! Hit the bell so you don’t miss anything.
#Decathlon #TrackAndField #AthleteJourney #SportsMotivation #Day2
8000 POINTS! The Decathlon That Changed Everything
TheDecathletes 9. März 2025 15:23
last day in la Palma🌴 #trackandfield #athlete #decathlon #sports #trainingcamp #tipps
TheDecathletes 24. Januar 2025 15:19
Day 7 here in La Palma🌴 #trackandfield #decathlon #athlete #sports
TheDecathletes 11. Januar 2025 0:30
Day 6 of our camp is over, check put our highlights of the day🌴🤩 #trackandfield #athletics
TheDecathletes 11. Januar 2025 0:17
Day 8 in La Palma☀️🌴 #trackandfield #athletics #decathlon # trainingcamp
TheDecathletes 10. Januar 2025 20:11
Trainingcamp Day 5and some track ASMR for today😎#tracknfield #athletics #trainingcamp #decathlon
TheDecathletes 7. Januar 2025 10:12
4th day of our trainingcamp in La Palma🌴☀️ #trackandfield #athletics #decathlon #trainingcamp
TheDecathletes 6. Januar 2025 9:49
Enjoy our 3rd Day of our Camp in La Palma🌴 #trackandfiel #athletics #tracknfield #decathlon
TheDecathletes 6. Januar 2025 9:10
Trainingcamp Vlog Day 2🌴 #trackandfiel #athletics #decathlon #training #trainingcamp
TheDecathletes 5. Januar 2025 10:38
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